I want to live a simple life.
I will admit, though, that I LOVE to explore and discover. I especially love OPTIONS. Living in the city is definitely where I want to be - especially this wonderful city that is so close to the woods, waterfalls, mountains, and beaches. I love being able to follow through on whims. Last week, it was the inspiration to head to the beach. Then, the next day, having high-quality coffee (with latte art, of course) and praying with a friend before heading off to our multi-cultural church.
Living surrounded by options requires a LOT of discipline, though. Because I absolutely cannot live in a way that makes full use of my options, or realize my "potential" in every area. I refuse to live a fast-paced life, chasing consumption, saving the world, running to keep up with myself. I have been tempted and sucked in to this life too many times!
I wonder if it is possible to live in the city, among all these options, and actually CHOOSE something? Even if I change my mind later, I can't just choose an "everything" life. Because that is actually an exhausted life!
If I am to live surrounded by options, I must say no to most of them. One thing I'm discovering is that there is a bit of grief that I go through in saying no to some things in order to choose others. Especially when I have to say no to something exciting or fun or inspiring and say yes to the basic chores of life. Or say no to someone in need so that I can get some needed rest and recreation time.
I spent a good number of my growing up years in a very small town - Sedalia, population 274. Apparently the population has grown by 24 people since 1875. When I lived there, there was no grocery store, unless you count Mr. Brown's grocery (pictured above).
No restaurants.
No pizza delivery.
No 911.
No police, except a temporary intern who camped out for speed trap next our house.
There was a gas station, until the pump broke.
There was a school, though certainly not geared to help a creative type like me to thrive.
I think you get the idea. Not many options!
However, there are things I miss...
People sitting on porches.
Evening walks.
Waving and saying hi to everyone.
Not hearing the word "busy."
So one of the quests of my life is to capture a piece of country life and live it here, surrounded by options. After all, what good are options, if I don't choose the best ones?
So today, after some quality time with a friend and her son, I chose to walk to the grocery store. Buy just a few needed items. Enjoy the walk. Taste the recipe they are sampling at the counter. Blog for a bit before preparing a homemade meal.
A Simple Life in the City.
By the way, if you ever want an entertaining story, ask me about Mr. Brown's grocery!