Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today is for…

Today is for remembering that God is in control. He has a plan, not only for me, but for every person I know. And every person I don't know. He has a plan for the city I live in, the country I live in, and the countries I don't live in.

He has a plan for the poor. For the suffering. For the details undone.

And His plan will bring Him glory.

And, here is the best part… He is fully capable of accomplishing His plan! He is organized, capable, creative, competent, and He never gets stressed out. His resumé is full. His qualifications are PERFECT.

He is kind enough to include me in the process, even though He doesn't need me at all. But THAT is not for today. You see, today is a Sabbath day for me.

So today I will breathe. I will remember that He has His calendar under control. He is not in desperate need of an assistant, and He doesn't need me to remind Him of what needs to be done.

I can stop for today, and He will KEEP WORKING! I don't need to leave Him a list of instructions for what needs to be done while I am gone. I don't need to worry about what will be piled up waiting for me when I return. He is quite capable.

Am I selfish to stop today? That IS a nagging fear. But I think that there is such great wisdom in the way He instructed His people so long ago to rest and worship Him. To look at Him. To look at what He has done and say, "It is good."

Today I can rejoice in the beautiful gift that Jesus has set me free. Free to observe the Sabbath. Free to NOT observe the Sabbath. Free to work. Free to rest. Free to proclaim His name from the rooftops. Free to whisper it into the blogosphere.

Today I choose to live what I believe – in a different way than on other days.

I tell myself that my works are not necessary to gain His approval. That my help is not necessary to accomplish His plan. He is able. Yet He loves me and allows me to join Him.

Tomorrow, I will proclaim the gospel with my words, with my works. I will step out in faith to share my heart with others, to hear their hearts.

But today, I will be still, and know that He is God.

I will proclaim the gospel with my stillness.

With my peace.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great that we aren't in control! What a weight lifted off the shoulders. Thanks for the reminder, I needed to hear that today.
